Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Términos relacionados con los libros # 2 / Terms related to books # 2


(To read the interviews with authors, you can find them in the "Authors" button. You can also enjoy a radio while reading.)

Que es el foxing?
Son las manchas pálidas, cafés y difusas que aparecen en el papel u otras superficies, probablemente ya sea por el crecimiento de hongos o moho, impurezas metálicas en el papel u otras condiciones en combinación con la humedad.

Por que los libros desprenden olor?
Es gracias a la lignina, una sustancia química natural muy abundante en el mundo vegetal.
La lignina es altamente oxidante y cuando empieza a descomponerse desprende un característico olor, que no es nada desagradable. Curiosamente, entre sus peculiaridades, ese polímero tiene una estrecha relación con la vainilla.

Por que los tejuelos tienen diferentes colores?
Muchos paises utilizan diferentes colores de tejuelos para diferenciar las edades recomendadas de los libros. Por ejemplo, el color amarillo indica que el libro es para niños de hasta los 6 años; azul de 7 a 9 años; rojo de 9 a 14 años y a partir de esa edad el tejuelo es de color blanco.

El verano de 1935 salieron a la venta los primeros ejemplares de libros de bolsillo de la editorial Penguin Books. Los autores elegidos fueron Ernest Hemingway, André Maurois y Agatha Christie.
Los libros iban catalogados por colores: naranja para la ficción, azul para los biográficos y verde para el suspenso.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Primera obra literaria firmada de la historia / First signed literary work in history


Primera obra literaria firmada de la historia

Enheduanna fue una mujer que vivió en el siglo 23 a.C. en la antigua Mesopotamia, y fue la primera persona en la historia en crear una obra literaria.
Además de escritora de prosa y poesía, fue una princesa y sacerdotisa; su nombre significa ornamento del cielo. Inspirada en su nombre y profesion, sus primero escritos fueron dos himnos dedicados a Inanna, la diosa del amor.
También se le adjudica la autoría del mito de Inanna y Enki, una colección de 42 himnos.
En sus himnos, Enheduanna comenta los desafíos de encapsular las maravillas divinas en el mundo de la palabra y describe las largas horas que pasaba trabajando sobre sus composiciones durante la noche, para que fueran interpretadas en el día.
Los frutos de su trabajo están dedicados a la diosa del amor. Su poesía tiene una calidad reflexiva que enfatiza las cualidades superlativas de su musa divina, mientras también resalta las habilidades que se necesitaban para las composiciones escritas.  
A pesar de sus logros, es bastante desconocida para la historia. Aun asi, por sus alabanzas a deidades celestiales fue muy reconocida en la astronomia moderna. Sus descripciones de las medidas y movimientos estelares se consideran posiblemente como las primeras observaciones científicas del cielo.
Gracias a internet pude encontrar un trozo de el himno a Inanna

Señora de todos los poderes divinos,
Luz iridiscente, mujer justa vestida de esplendor, amada de Ab y Urac
Duela del cielo, con el pectoral de grandes joyas,
la que ama el buen tocado propio de la sacerdotisa
la que se ha apropiado de los siete poderes divinos.
Mi señora, eres la guardiana de las grandes escencias
tu has colgado los poderes divinos en tu mano.
Los reuniste, los abrochaste en tu seno.
Como un dragon que echa fuegos sobre tierra extranjera.
Cuando como Ickur ruges a la tierra,
no hay vegetacion que te pueda hacer frente.
Como un torrente que descendio sobre tierras desconocidas,
poderosa del cielo y la tierra, tu eres Inanna.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Términos relacionados con los libros / Terms related to books


Términos relacionados con los libros

Tejuelo: Cuadro de papel o piel que se adhiere al lomo del libro a modo de etiqueta para indicar el título, autor o signatura. Su función es la de identificar rápidamente la obra sin necesidad de extraerla del estante o abrirla.

Intonso: Es el ejemplar de una edición al que no le han sido cortadas las uniones de sus hojas que conformaban el pliego situadas en los cortes. Los libros intonsos adquieren por su escasez un grado de rareza que los hace más apetecibles para algunos bibliófilos ya que mantiene sus márgenes completos. El vocablo proviene del latín  intonsus, ‘sin cortar’, y antiguamente hacía referencia al cabello o barba que estaba sin cortar.

Colofón: Anotación manuscrita situada al final del libro, dedicada a dar información acerca de las circunstancias en las que fue producido, como el lugar de impresión o copia, nombre del impresor o copista, fecha, etc.  El término proviene del latín tardío colophon y este del griego kolophṓn, que hacía referencia a una cumbre o cima.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Did you know? William Shakespeare / Sabias que? Willian Shakespeare


(To read the interviews with authors, you can find them in the "Authors" button. You can also enjoy a radio while reading.)

Did you know? William Shakespeare

Shakespeare's real name was Gulielmus Shakspere, which is the Latin word for William. He called himself 'Will' in his Sonnets and people referred to him as William Shakespeare, so it's safe to say that this was his name.

Shakespeare's death is a mystery. It's been speculated that he died of syphilis or even that he was murdered. People say he likely died 23rd April 1616 – his 52nd birthday.

His father was John Shakespeare, a leatherworker who specialized in the soft white leather used for gloves and similar items.

In 1582, William married a farmer’s daughter called Anne Hathaway. She was 26 and three months pregnant with Shakespeare’s child when they married. They had three children together – a daughter called Susanna, and twins, Judith and Hamnet.

Written on Shakespeare’s gravestone in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon, is a curse written by the famous wordsmith himself. It reads:
‘Good friend for Jesus’ sake forbear,
To dig the dust enclosed here.
Blessed be the man that spares these stones,
And cursed be he that moves my bones.’

He was also an actor who performed in many of his own plays as well as those of other playwrights. There is evidence that he played the ghost in Hamlet and Adam in As You Like It.

Rumour has it that poet John Keats was so influenced by Shakespeare that he kept a bust of the Bard beside him while he wrote, hoping that Shakespeare would spark his creativity.

Shakespeare’s original grave marker showed him holding a bag of grain. Citizens of Stratford replaced the bag with a quill in 1747.

The plays performed at his theater, The Globe, featured unique special effects such as trap doors, actors lifted with wires, smoke, and fire. One of the special effects included firing a cannon, which set fire to the roof. The Globe theater was burned to the ground.

The shortest play by Shakespeare is The Comedy of Errors, at 1,770 lines long. His longest play is Hamlet which is 4,042 lines long.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Words related to the world of literature / Palabras relacionadas con el mundo de la literatura


(To read the interviews with authors, you can find them in the "Authors" button. You can also enjoy a radio while reading.)

Words related to the world of literature

Agoraphobia: Fear of writing in general or handwriting specifically.

Librocubicularist: Person who reads in bed.

Logophobia: Unreasonable fear of words.

Metrophobia: Fear or unhealthy hatred of poetry.

Papyrophobia: Pathological fear of paper.

Scriptophobia: Fear of writing in public

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: Fear of long words.

Verbophobia: Synonymous with logophobia, therefore, it is the fear of words.

Tsundoku: Japanese word indicating the act of leaving a book unread after purchasing it, usually in a pile with other unread books.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Did you know? J.K. Rowling / Sabias que? J.K. Rowling


(To read the interviews with authors, you can find them in the "Authors" button. You can also enjoy a radio while reading.)

Did you know? J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling lived with her sister while she was completing the first book of Harry Potter. She was struggling to get by financially as she was unemployed and a single mother.

The idea of the Dementors is based on Rowling's experiences of clinical depression in her 20s. Rowling's depression even went so far as to consider suicide in those early days.

She has the same birthday as Harry Potter. For those of you wondering, the date is 31st July.

Her first Harry Potter manuscript was rejected by 12 publishers. Bloomsbury, the publishing house that eventually published her first Harry Potter story, was a small indie publisher back in the 90s.

She is a philanthropist and has donated millions to different charities and organisations. In 2009, she donated the proceeds of the two Potter companion books to Comic Relief  — a total estimated at over £17 million and counting.

Rowling was a producer for most of the film adaptations of her book. Initially she was only a consultant for the film scripts.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Words related to the world of literature / Palabras relacionadas con el mundo de la literatura


(To read the interviews with writers,you can find them in the "Authors" button. You can also enjoy a radio while reading.)

Words related to the world of literature

Abibliophobia: Irrational fear of being without books. Many people feel it when they cannot get a much-desired book, or they leave a book forgotten in a hotel.

Bibliobulimic: Someone who reads too much.

Bibliographer: A person who knows about books, especially old ones, dedicated to locating them and writing about them.

: It is the person who is dedicated to selling books, a bookseller, book dealer.

Form of divination that consists of opening a book to a random page and interpreting what is said there.

Bibliophile: A person who is fond of books, especially rare editions. It is a form of collecting both for its physical beauty and the content.

Bibliognosta: With Latin roots. Its meaning is someone who knows the smallest details about the publication of a book such as the number of editions, its dates and places of printing or who printed it.

: Like kleptomania, subjects that tend to take an object that doesn't belong to them, in this case, books.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Did you know? Edgar Allan Poe / Sabias que? Edgar Allan Poe


 (To read the interviews with writers,you can find them in the "Authors" button. You can also enjoy a radio while reading.)

 Did you know?  Edgar Allan Poe

His birth name was Edgar Poe, but when he was three, his parents died, and he was adopted by Virginia businessman John Allan, who renamed the kid Edgar Allan Poe.

Poe was an accomplished boxer, long jumper, rower, and swimmer. He held a local record for swimming seven miles against the current up the James River in Richmond, Virginia.

For decades, he worked as a freelancer. He edited poetry anthologies, worked as a literary critic, wrote a textbook, and published works of scientific theory.

He Published His First Book At the age of 18 years old.

In 1849, he disappeared for five days. When Edgar was found by a friend, he was in a confused and incoherent state, desperate for medical attention. Four days later, he died, having never regained lucidity and after calling out the name “Reynolds” multiple times hours before he died.

Poe joined the United States Army as a private in 1827. He enlisted in the First Regiment of Artillery and moved up the ranks to Sergeant Major for Artillery, having impressed his superiors in only two years.

Edgar Was The First American Professional Writer.

He Married His 13-Year-Old Cousin, While it was common for first cousins to marry, it was less common for them to have a 14-year age gap because Poe was 27 when they married.

In the winter of 1847, Poe's wife, Virginia, died of tuberculosis. She was 24. He never recovered from her death; many of Poe's stories and poems about dying and dead women were written during the period of Virginia's illness.

Edgar Allan Poe's 1841 story The Murders in the Rue Morgue is known as the first detective fiction story.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

What is fanfiction? / Que es ficción de fans?


(To read the interviews with writers,you can find them in the "Authors" button. You can also enjoy a radio while reading.)

What is fanfiction?

Fanfiction, also called fanfics, are fiction stories written by fans of a particular work. That original work can be anything: a book, TV show, movie, video game, even a gaming podcast. People write fan fiction because they are big fans of their chosen story, and want to create more of it.
People say it's a great way to get started with writing, because a lot of the work has been done for you. Characters, settings and plots are already there to be customised, changed and adapted.
This tecnique has encountered problems with intellectual property law due to usage of copyrighted characters without the original creator or copyright owner's consent. While many authors (for example, Neil Gaiman, J.K. Rowling, D.J. MacHale, Stephenie Meyer, and Terry Pratchett) do not take issue with authors of derivative works, a number of authors do. They may request that fan-fiction archival sites remove and ban any pieces of fan fiction based on their original works. “City of Bones” by Cassandra Clare is inspired by “Harry Potter.” “The Love Hypothesis” by Ali Hazelwood is inspired by “Star Wars.” “Beautiful Bastard” by Christina Lauren is inspired by “Twilight.” “We'd Know by Then” by Kirsten Bohling is inspired by “Star Wars.” But Disney's copyrighted material, such as fan fiction, remixes, or adaptations, without obtaining permission, can be considered copyright infringement. This can also include creating new stories or characters within Disney World without authorisation.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Did you know? Agatha Christie / Sabias que? Agatha Christie


 (To read the interviews with writers,you can find them in the "Authors" button. You can also enjoy a radio while reading.)

Did you know? Agatha Christie

The first story she wrote was The House of Beauty back when she was young. She wrote it from the bed, bored, recovering from influenza.

She was a Trained Pharmacist. Before she became a successful author, Agatha Christie learned about poisons and drugs, which later proved useful in her writing. She even wrote some of her early mysteries while working in a hospital pharmacy during World War I.

When she published The Mysterious Affair at Styles, she was forced to use the spelling "coco" instead of "cocoa" due to the insistence of an editor.

Agatha Christie wrote over 30 plays during her lifetime. "The Mousetrap,” which premiered in London's West End in 1952, "Want to catch it?" and  "You’re in luck" are among the most famously known. She is also the only female playwright to have three productions running simultaneously in London's West End.

Miss Marple was inspired by her maternal grandmother and her friends.  

In her early years she didn’t go to school but was educated by her mother and a succession of governesses.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Categories / Categorias


 (To read the interviews with writers,you can find them in the "Authors" button. You can also enjoy a radio while reading.)

Lectiophile: is a Latin word that means "person who loves reading." They read many books and magazines, essays, blogs, and newspapers. The word is made up of two parts: Lectio which is Latin for reading, and phile, derived from the Greek word phílos which means beloved.

Bookworm: is an Elizabethan term, which comes from the English, and is a figurative term for a voracious reader of book content, sometimes used negatively to indicate reading too much. If you're a true bookworm, you'd rather spend Friday nights on the couch with a book than out at a party they are persons unusually devoted to reading and study.

Leseratte: Lesen means to read and Ratte means rat. So directly translated, Leseratte means “reading rat”. It's a person who loves to read but, in distinction from a bookworm, it does not imply a lack of interests outside of books. The colloquial term originated in the late 19th century and has been used ever since. Rats were considered voracious creatures and people who “devoured” books without end were thus compared to rats.

Librocubicularist: comes from Latin, a person who reads while in bed.

Tsundok: a Japanese practice of purchasing a lot of books — usually more than one can read; also referred to as bibliomania. Normally it's the phenomenon of acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one's home without reading them. Some people look for help because they see it as a disease.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

About me / Sobre mí


(To read the interviews with writers,you can find them in the "Authors" button. You can also enjoy a radio while reading.)

About me

One of the things that is most difficult for me to write about is my own life. I really prefer to remain anonymous, for that reason also, the short novella that I'm writing I will publish under a pen name. Why? You may wonder. Because, in that way, it is easier to see who are the people really interested in the story and not the person. For the same reason, I will not say where I'm from. I am a 34-year-old woman, who enjoys a good coffee, a good band, and a good book. I like writing and drawing. I also love to learn about the authors of the books that are on the networks today. Each different answer shows how we connect. We all have a reason to write, a person who inspires us, a favorite author, even though the answers are different. For this reason I will also answer the same questions as the people who allowed me to interview them.

Why did I decide to start writing?
I had a clear idea, it was a short idea, but interesting. The first parts I wrote didn't even take up a page, but my partner told me that it had a future. Thanks to a push from him, I immersed myself in writing a somewhat gloomy and intriguing story.

What inspired my work?
More than anything, nightmares I've had.

On which internet pages will I share my work?

At the moment, I don't know. Goodreads probably, and then I'm not sure. I don't like using social networks. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Difference between the different kinds of papers and covers / Diferencias entre los diferentes tipos de papel y tapas


(To read the interviews with writers,you can find them in the "Authors" button. You can also enjoy a radio while reading.)

Difference between the different kinds of papers and covers

When you're going to print your book, it is good to know the difference between the different kinds of papers and covers available. I've made some research, since the topic appears in Discord, and here's what I've found:
The three main types of paper that you can use to print your book are:

1) White paper: it gives you a clarity for your images, but is not that good for reading due to the glare. It is also the most expensive one.

2) Cream paper: It's good for reading, not so good for images, and less expensive, but still pricey.

3) Ground wood paper: Good for reading, bad for color clarity, inexpensive.

I've also found on the internet guidelines to use when you are choosing the paper:

50# white offset is typically used for books that only have type.
60# white or natural offset is good for type and photos.
70# white offset is used when you want a little thicker paper.
80# gloss text is best used when you want your photos to look sharp and pop on the page.